Where's Becca This Weekend?

by Rebecca Fuselier

The Fuse News

A Weekly Newsletter by Rebecca Fuselier

Where’s Becca This Weekend?


I am not just “drinking the koolaid” just because everyone else is…


Some very curious folks have already figured this one out, but I will be competing at HYROX - Dallas this weekend in the Women’s Individual Pro Division. This is not something I originally had on my to-do list, but we have quite a few of our BOLTers heading out to tear up the competition floor and those guys pushed me into signing up.

I’ve expressed this a couple times int the past about the current struggles of where we are at with training specifically for the CrossFit season. To put it simply, there has been no update about what the 2025 CrossFit Games season will look like. I am still enjoying training. Matt and I are doing what we always to to work hard, get BIG, and be ready for the next season, but just like any journey, it is always more challenging to ask so much of yourself if there is no goal or checkpoint to work towards in front of you.

This doesn’t just go for athletes trying to be the best in their sports. This is for EVERYONE. I want to encourage all of us to set goals, whether it be signing up for a 5k, a Crossfit or weightlifting competition, hiring a nutrition coach to help you hit your goal weight, discussing financial goals for your profession, or even just writing a personal goal down. We all need that direction. When you have that goal/checkpoint in mind, it helps make the path clearer, so you can push your time and energy in the right direction.

My peeps here at BOLT have been helping me more than they even know and there encouragement to compete and have some fun has made my heart very full!

So, I really don’t know what I’ve gotten myself into, but I am looking forward to having some fun on a little different competition floor, and just like we always do, FIGHT HARD AND PUSH LIMITS! I’m very excited!

If you happen to be at HYROX - Dallas, always feel free to say hi! Meeting you guys is my favorite thing! If you aren’t, wish me luck, cause I’m still questioning why I signed up for CrossFit minus gymnastics (when gymnastics is my strength). LOL!

Photo By: Compete Media




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I want all of my programs to be SIMPLE! One of the hardest things about learning anything new, is knowing where to start and building out the plan. We don’t want it so simple that we miss out of necessary steps. We also don’t want it so complex to where it gets overwhelming. So, that is my goal with $5 Fitness… SIMPLE AND EFFECTIVE!

I also just want to help you guys and keep doing all the things that we love to do!. This is a fun way to do that!

Current Available Programs:

  • General Mobility and Accessory

  • Kick to Handstand

  • Improve you Snatch

  • Improve your Clean

  • Get Your First Bar Muscle Up

  • Get Your First Ring Muscle Up

  • Handstand Walks

  • 30-20-10 Core Workouts

  • Kipping Handstand Push Up

Latest Podcast

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“The No Regrets Podcast”

Listen on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts!

We went hard on this question, "What is the biggest mistake beginners make?" when starting fitness. Matt and I had similar, but slightly different takes, which then lead us into more life talk... so, overall, another pretty normal "not normal" podcast episode!

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The BLITZ Bullets

Heres what BLITZ did this week:

  • BLITZ is disappointed in the lack of fall weather in November here in Texas.

  • BLITZ’s acting skills just keep getting better, proving that he is truly a super star.

  • BLITZ has still has not caught Earl the Squirrel

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