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- I Feel Old (Sometimes)!
I Feel Old (Sometimes)!
by Rebecca Fuselier
Welcome to the Fuse News
A Weekly Newsletter By Rebecca Fuselier
I Feel Old (Sometimes)!
I am for real 23 years old, but I’m what you call an “old soul”. I think I’ve always kinda been that way, but if I were to really blame something for it, it’s sports and athletics.
As most of you might know, I was a gymnast before all of this CrossFit craziness. The first 13 years of my life revolved around the long training hours of a competitive gymnast. In the gym at 6 or 7am, then leave to eat lunch, then come back for 4pm and leave the gym around 7:30pm. It’s a full time job and when you take on that sport seriously, it forces you to grow up so fast. It requires so much discipline at such a young age and the sport is so short lived.
There’s a big part of me that is thankful for the way I grew up. I know how to work when there’s work to be done, but it also means I’m very stubborn and hard headed. You can ask Matt, I drive myself and probably him so bonkers because there is not a moment I am not doing something. If I’m not training or coaching, I’m editing videos or writing this newsletter, or brainstorming what project I’m gonna start next. I feel guilty if I’m not working, and honestly, thats something I’m trying to work on. On the other side of things, there is a small part of me that’ll float to the surface sometimes, that is childhood starved, and a little bit of a rebel.
I had a really awkward time in high school because I was homeschooled my whole life leading up to it. On top of naturally being a weirdo, I didn’t know anyone… so ya, that was “fun” for a bit! I don’t feel like a really found my footing until my senior year, when I started realizing the only place I wanted to be was BOLT. I did a year and a half of community college, which I honestly forget about because it was of zero interest to me and I could never see BOLT not being in my life. I was quick to start working at the gym, taking care of little office tasks, cleaning, and learning to coach/personal train. From there, the snowball kept rolling. I still Coach, train complete, and clean the gym, it’s just on a much bigger scale and I have a lot more confidence doing it these days!
I think the combination of always being an athlete and naturally loving to work has lead me to the mindset I have today. I’ve typically always hung around people older than me and loved, loved, LOVED, to always talk about work, business, and life from a more mature view. BUTTTTTTTTT, you’ll notice through my comedic side there’s still a little girl that doesn’t mind making a fool of herself every now and then, just to get others to laugh.
Everyone’s dealt different cards in life. How you chose to play them builds you into the person you ultimately become. Imma leave you guys with a quote from Ice Cube that I head on The Joe Rogan Podcast this past week,
“If you didn’t know your actual age, would you actually know how old your are?”
Don’t be someone you’re not! It’s exhausting.
OWN WHO YOU ARE! Sure it can be weird sometimes, but it’s gonna take you to the places and people your meant to be with!
Try this Workout! (and say goodbye to your legs)
II thought I’d share the workout that BOLT did this week, that left everyone walking around like those crazy car dealership advertising dudes.
2 Sets:
21 Back Squats 155/105
15 Front Squats
21/15 Cal Echo Bike
-rest 4min between each set
OOOOOOOO! This one was Spicy! You will use the same barbell for back squats and front squats. So the back squats should be weight that feels light and you can do unbroken for both sets. The front squats you will play by ear. When it comes to the bike, hang on for dear life.
I bumped my weight up to 135#
It’s a Fun One! Give it a Shot!
This Week’s Podcast
It's all the coaching talk on episode 6! You'll always be learning new things as a coach because every athlete is different. Becca and Matt discuss many topics and answer many questions, from developing skills, to dealing with cheaters, recovery tools, and yes... turtles... all in this episode.
If you would like ask a question for the podcast, hit us up at [email protected]
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