COMMUNITY is my #1

by Rebecca Fuselier

The Fuse News

A Weekly Newsletter by Rebecca Fuselier


Balance has always been one of my “go to” words.

Whenever I feel off, overwhelmed, or just frustrated I try to look at what I’ve been doing and why I’ve been doing those things and try to really assess where I’m lacking to take care of my emotional health. Now, what does the even mean… emotional health?

We all want to be successful at the things we are doing, I believe to be successful at what you do, there has to be a healthy balance of fun and also sacrifice to make all your actions worth while.

I’m a CrossFit Games athlete. I qualified back in 2022 to compete my first year as an Elite Individual (I also went twice back in 2016 and 2017 as a teenager). It’s still a major goal of mine to compete at the highest level of this sport and as this sport grows, just like any, it becomes increasingly difficult to get to the top and remain at the top. Physically and mentally, the training is grueling. It’ll beat you up.

As we continue to work for these goals, I do my best to stay balanced. The funny thing is that I get push back from lots of folks that I won’t achieve these goals because of my lifestyle.


Photo by Compete Media

I know one thing for certain… I fell in love with this sport because of the people around me. The #COMMUNITY is what has kept me around all of these years. The #COMMUNITY is what has kept me pushing hard and believing that I can achieve anything I put my mind to. The #COMMUNITY is my “FUEL”.

I train along side my community (not is an elite training camp) because they athletes that show up everyday to improve their live inspires me and it fuels me.

I coach the athlete in my community because I learn so much from them and it fuels.

I make all the ridiculous comedy videos because it makes all of us smile, laugh, and feel good, and who doesn’t want that!!! and THAT FUELS ME!

#COMMUNITY IS MY NUMBER 1 (and always will be).

The hard work and the fun is all balanced out by the magic of this COMMUNITY!

Latest Podcast

Lots of great questions this week! If you have a question yourself, you can email it to me here at [email protected] 

If you’ve ever wonder to yourself if you got everything out of training or a specific workout, you are not alone. On this episode we dive into this week’s training and how we deal with riding the ups and downs of training. Also, got some big “wanting to become a coach talk” going! Listen to it all on this episode!

“The No Regrets Podcast”

Listen on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts!

Questions We Answered:

  • How do you train before a competition (like the week before)?

  • Tips for wanting to become a CrossFit coach?

  • What does it require to become a full time coach?

  • How do you balance coaching and training and not being burnt out?

  • Got any tips for your first year at the games? I’m 14 and hoping to go this year?

  • Would you rather never be able to eat your favorite food again, or have to follow every meal by eating a bite of your least favorite food?

Latest Content

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Find Me On Instagram (@rebeccafuselier)

for all the training clips, coaching tips, and comedy skits!

The BLITZ Bullets

Heres what BLITZ did this week:

  • BLITZ went Hard!

  • Because it was BOLT WARS week he was hyped up on extra sugar (it was Candy Land themed)

  • He also experienced a pretty epic sugar crash during it all.

  • Still has not caught Earl the Squirrel


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